Stevia Hellas Cooperative

An innovative Greek cooperative enterprise, dedicated to quality stevia breeding.

Its main focus is cultivating and delivering premium stevia leaves that meet
the stringest standards of the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

We undertook both the design of the new logo and the overall corporate identity.

The main direction was to focus on the concept of collectivity and diversity.
Thus, we created a typographic acronym from the initials of Stevia Hellas Cooperative
(SHC), with each letter being different and many small pieces making up the whole,
just like a diverse & democratic community. At the same time, it maintains
the corporate character desired by the cooperative.

The identity expands through a continuous play of the initial shapes, which either
form patterns, icons or function as content containers, depending on the application.

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Stevia Hellas Coop


Stevia Hellas Coop
